The Journal of Bone and Mineral Research (JBMR) provides a forum for papers of the highest quality pertaining to all areas of the biology and physiology of bone, hormones that regulate bone and ...
The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery refers to two distinct journals of the same name: Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, American Volume (J. Bone Joint Surg. Am.) and Journal of Bone and Joint ...
Bone Research is an open access, fully peer-reviewed journal publishing the foremost progress and novel understanding of all aspects of bone science. The journal highlights the breakthrough ...
To find out about how to submit an article to Bone Research, please read the journal’s specific Guide for Authors. If you are ready to submit an article to Bone Research, please use our online ...
A group of scientists have discovered some 27 bone tools made some 1.5 million years ago by ancient humans in Olduvai Gorge ...
Heterotopic ossification, or HO, is a condition that largely occurs in patients after spinal cord injuries when the soft tissues of the hip surrounding the joints become ossified with bone spurs.