The largest of these loops results from the helical coiling of chromatin (the thick line in this illustration). This coiling causes the chromosome to resemble a spring. Chromatin refers to ...
During interphase, individual chromosomes are not visible, and the chromatin appears diffuse and unorganized. Recent research suggests, however, that this is an oversimplification and that ...
Artificial chromosomes are essentially miniature versions of real ... [encodes] a whole cascade of enzymes involved in a particular pathway,” says chromatin researcher Gary Karpen of Lawrence Berkeley ...
Eventually, the chromosome loses its original structure and genetic information ... “We proposed that dehydration led to a glass transition of chromatin that arrested molecular movement of DNA ...
Bringing together the genetic and cytological data, Lyon interpreted "sex chromatin" to be a manifestation of a genetically inactive X chromosome. She could then explain the mottled appearance of ...
The improper segregation of chromosomes during cell division leads to abnormalities that disrupt the proper functioning of ...
Thus, in the reconstruction of the four daughter nuclei, two of them contain more chromatin than the other two. The resulting pollen grains, however, look alike. 14. In the somatic mitosis there are ...
An article by UAB professor Joan-Ramon Daban analyzes in depth the physical problems associated with DNA packaging that have ...
each chromosome occupies its own specific region in the nucleus. "If we look at the average chromatin structures in human cells and many other organisms, we will see that chromosomes seem to be ...
We are interested in the mechanism of chromosome replication, a process that is highly conserved across eukaryotes and that involves the duplication of both the chromosomal DNA and its associated ...
Chromatin is the physiological state of the genome. Approximately 50% of chromosomes and chromatin is protein. These include histones, transcription factors, nuclear receptors, co-activators, ...
This course provides and overview of epigenetic mechanisms, including DNA methylation, histone modifications, chromosome structure, and nuclear organization. We will discuss how molecules help ...