‘no one steals babies in Denmark…’ Which is lucky, as it turns out. Because six months into our year of living Danishly, I discovered that I was finally, miraculously, pregnant. At the start ...
Happiness at Work: It’s Possible—Really My latest book could not be more timely or aptly named — “The Art of Danish Living – How the World’s Happiest People Find Joy at Work.” ...
My latest, The Art Of Danish Living, is probably one of my most valuable pieces of work to date, providing simple tools we all need to reduce stress, increase our sense of purpose and live the ...
‘Do you want to hygge a bit?’ Hygge is a cornerstone of Danish culture and way of life. Perhaps it is best described as the art of creating a lovely and warm atmosphere. 3. ‘Pyt med det ...
The Danish love of all things warm and cozy—often summed up by that famous word hygge—continues to inspire homemakers around the world. The Danes have successfully positioned themselves as ...