Opportunities for children to get safe and healthy physical activity have largely been engineered out of our communities. Multi-lane roads have replaced sidewalks and bike paths and play spaces ...
Hiking is a recreational activity that offers a wealth of health advantages that promote overall physical, mental and social ...
lboro.ac.uk Objective To synthesise reviews investigating physical activity and depression, anxiety, self-esteem and cognitive functioning in children and adolescents and to assess the association ...
Fathers and daughters connect through physical activity. Walking, cycling, and swimming strengthen their bond naturally.
Typically, children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) would participate in physical activity outdoors and in school. Recently, school closures and restricted access to outdoor ...
Children in deprived areas are half as likely to be physically active than those in wealthier ones, according to a Sport ...
Researchers at UBC conducted a survey of more than 26,000 children in Grades 6 to 8 and found that only four per cent are meeting Canada's recommendations for daily movement.