The first month is an exciting and sensitive time of your pregnancy . You may be excited for the journey that lies ahead, but you also need to take extra care of yourself. And for this, you need to ...
Similar legislation last year was inspired by the "Baby Olivia" video created by the anti-abortion group Live Action.
Congratulations! You are what? Here are some tips for your first few months of pregnancy. Signs of contractions may be different for women with mobility impairments, especially those ...
Throughout the follicular phase, a single "dominant follicle" develops faster than the rest. This follicle (a fluid-filled ...
A study by NIH shows that excessive weight gain in the first trimester of pregnancy may contribute to increased fat ...
Maternal stress hormone levels during early pregnancy can have a lasting effect on the stress system of the offspring. The results of a long-term study on wild Assamese macaques in Thailand indicate ...
Maternal stress hormone levels during early pregnancy can have a lasting effect on the stress system of the offspring. The ...