Cromwell accepted Jews for several reasons. He thought they might be a source of revenue and help him fight against his Catholic enemies. He was also persuaded by Dutch rabbi Menasseh Ben Israel ...
She insisted that this was in order to avoid further deaths, rather than to achieve the more efficient exclusion of would-be immigrants. Yet Frontex is headed by a former commander ... failure to ...
The ‘push’ for many migrants to Britain was poverty in their own countries. For these people, Britain’s booming industrial economy offered the hope of jobs and survival.
The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Vol. 34, No. 2, Chinese and Japanese in America (Sep., 1909), pp. 74-79 (6 pages) ...
The first and most obvious reason is political. The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, chain migration, sanctuary cities, and citizenship for immigrants living in the country ...
If immigrants do have lower crime rates, despite what many people think, why is this so? Several reasons seem to explain this ...
The Trump Administration has promised to deport immigrants and foreign students who engage in pro-"terrorist" speech related ...
The perception that living overseas is equivalent to improved wellbeing, and enhances the social status of the family back home is a major reason for immigration. The choice to immigrate through ...