The zoo posted on its Facebook page about its Lights for Lions program that helps protect lions and cheetahs in Tanzania.
CLEVELAND, Ohio — On Wednesday, January 8, a fire broke out outside the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo's former Rainforest.
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. — John Ball Zoo (JBZ) announced the passing of one of their chimpanzees Wednesday. Peggy was 55 when ...
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. — The John Ball Zoo announced the passing of Peggy the chimpanzee on Wednesday. Peggy was about 55 years ...
Two red panda brothers, Piercy and Lino, are headed to the Bramble Park Zoo, a release stated. The Cleveland Metroparks Zoo ...
A chimpanzee’s “sweet faces” graced the exhibits at a Michigan zoo for nearly a quarter century, and for decades more at two ...
The District’s latest star attractions are ready for their close-up: 3-year-old pandas Bao Li and Qing Bao will make their ...
Does your ex really bug you? If so, the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium is giving you the chance to name your ex after a creepy crawly just in time for Valentine’s Day.