The whales, which have distinctively long tusks, were filmed in the Arctic chasing a fish in what seemed like a ...
Unicorn is classically Bartlett in that it features some of the sharpest writing on in the West End right now, if not ever, and, like the trend for contemporary British dining in restaurants ...
Rounding off the season is the multi-sensory experience Scrunch (30 November 2025 to 4 January 2026). Created by Sarah Agent and Kevin Lewis, the piece is part of the Unicorn Theatre’s Early Years ...
Just as a unicorn is rare, so too is an original play receiving a West End debut, and for that, we award Unicorn its flowers. However, for all of its efforts, this amusing play fails to be ...
The word Unicorn is often used to describe the rarity ... And this is where the play really stutters in the second half. The realities of being in a throuple are never explored, beyond an ...
Unicorn is classically Bartlett in that it features some of the sharpest writing on in the West End right now, if not ever, and, like the trend for contemporary British dining in restaurants, would ...