Verizon Wireless turned on the first large-scale 4G LTE network yesterday, Dec. 5, but it is an open question whether or not it will significantly affect consumer behavior in the near future. Business ...
The US Air Force (USAF) has chosen Verizon Business to implement 5G and 4G LTE network improvements across 35 installations within the nation. This initiative is part of the Air Force’s Offer to ...
using the large-scale vRAN network built by Samsung and Verizon, the network can automatically switch off transmission paths when traffic is low. This can help conserve power. It can then turn it back ...
Verizon teamed with Samsung and Qualcomm to deploy multi-vendor RAN intelligent controller (RIC) functionality across its commercial network.
Right now's a good time to be checking in as Verizon's site has just been updated with some of the best deals we've ever seen on high-end devices. Right now, for example, you don't even need to ...
Verizon has deployed Qualcomm’s RAN intelligent controller (RIC) in its commercial network It is running Samsung’s AI-enabled Energy Saving Manager rApp on ...
State Farm Arena, home to the Atlanta Hawks, is taking a new IoT solution from Verizon Business to manage its IoT estate; supply-chain and insurance firms are also on board.
Verizon says the project will help sustain cellular and wireless activity for the estimated 300,000 fans expected for the NFL ...