The violin was Elgar’s own instrument and his ... Just after the eerie opening (with some of the strings muted, the rest shivering on the bridges of their instruments) the orchestral violins ...
Range A violin can play from the G below middle C, known as G3, up to a high E two octaves above its highest string, known as E7. Each of the four strings is tuned a fifth apart, making up the notes G ...
Choosing the right violin bow is now different ... more flexible bows deliver much smoother, legato notes. Given the individual style, something to keep in mind on the road to perfection.
Use the tabs below to find out about each section of the orchestra, watch video clips, and read interviews with musicians. There are more strings in the orchestra than all the other instruments ...
As we continue our celebration of Black composers here on and also mark the beginning of Women's History Month ...