There’s a lot going on, and I don’t want people to lose hope. We have to stay engaged–learning, writing, calling, advocating. Rest, but don’t quit. They don’t often win their court cases. In ...
Since my last article about my son and the Medicaid cuts, I’ve heard from a lot of supportive people. I’ve also heard from ...
Read More IEP Progress Monitoring: A Parent’s Guide to Tracking Your Child’s Growth (With Examples!) ...
Every time Medicaid funding is reduced, real children lose access to therapies, doctor visits, and in-home care. Parents are ...
In the past couple of days, the U.S. Department of Education (ED) has been making headlines, and not in a good way. Let’s break down what’s been happening and how it could impact our kids, especially ...
I call myself a public education supporter. I advocate, I lobby, I educate myself on the issues. I believe public education benefits all of society, not just our own kids. I want it to succeed. But ...
IEP Progress Monitoring and IEP Data Collection are among the most important things about an IEP. And yet tracking IEP goals is one area that I find parents cannot wrap their heads around it, so it ...
While Medicaid fraud exists, targeting children with disabilities to combat it is misguided. Discover the true sources of ...
Congress just passed a bill slashing Medicaid by $880 billion, threatening care for millions of disabled children. Learn how ...
Read More New Administration Faces Legal Setbacks Over Education Policies: A Closer Look at Recent Court Battles ...
As a result of having this website, I have come into contact with thousands of IEP parents. And, at least once a month, I answer this question. The question of “Should I be emailing the IEP team….” ...
“I don’t get it…I did everything you said, the school still said no.” Sound familiar? Despite your best efforts and taking recommendations from other parents or advocates, you’re still being told no.