March celebrations, brutal homicide in Fonó, life expectancy at birth lowest, Burj Khalifa celebrates National Day.
The Ministry said that it is continuously in consultation with affected retailers regarding the implementation of the profit ...
Burj Khalifa, the world's tallest building, also celebrated Hungary's National Day, 15 March, with a fantastic video ...
It is little appreciated that Hungary is the only European Union member state that has established and runs ...
Orbán vowed to "eliminate the financial machine that has bought politicians, judges, journalists, pseudo-civil organisations ...
In the Kőszegi and Soproni Mountains, the temperature dropped below the freezing point, and 5-6 cm of snow fell by today ...
Locals claim the perpetrator was under the influence of drugs, but the police only discussed the facts without mentioning the ...
One Hungarian NUTS-2 region has the lowest life expectancy at birth concerning the EU, Norway, Serbia and Türkiye.
Hungary’s internationally acknowledged national day is 20 August, when all Hungarians in the world celebrate the founding of ...
"It is impossible" that Ukrainse should join the European Union before the Western Balkans states, Hungary's Foreign Minister ...
Washington, DC was the venue for the first-ever Hungarian diaspora conference held in the US, and coincided with an official ...
The national flag was raised with military honours to mark the March 15th national holiday on Saturday in front of Parliament ...