The housing minister has set a two-and-a-half-year target for local plan-making and allocated funding to councils to review their green belt. The housing minister has set a two-and-a-half-year target ...
Lloyds Banking Group has committed to lending an initial £50m to Prince William’s homelessness project #UKhousing The bank will work with charity Homewards to help small and medium-sized organisations ...
The completion of the tie-up follows extensive due diligence, regulatory approvals, and engagement with key stakeholders. The landlords believe the coming-together is a key milestone that will help ...
Housing providers spent 21.9% more on building and acquiring new homes compared with the previous quarter’s forecast, but planned spend is now at its lowest level since the start of the pandemic.
We in the sector must accept our part in the homelessness system and drive the change ourselves, writes Jacob Dimitriou at Housing Justice #UKhousing ...
Nearly two years since the Social Housing Regulation Act became law, this year’s conference will look to embed the lessons from the sector’s journey to become tenant-centric. You’ll learn from C1 ...
Granta Housing Society is to join a renamed Metropolitan Housing Trust in a move that will take the group's housing stock to more than 25,000 homes. Granta Housing Society is to join a renamed ...
Inspection failures by landlords are leaving children exposed to damp and mould, the Housing Ombudsman has warned.
Taylor Wimpey’s profit has taken a hit after booking a £98.2m in exceptional costs due to its net cladding remediation spend and the disposal of a joint venture.
The government’s National Wealth Fund and The Housing Finance Corporation have unveiled a new unsecured debt facility to fund ...