A la veille du quatorzième anniversaire du déclenchement du conflit syrien, le Conseil de sécurité de l’ONU condamne les violences intercommunautaires des derniers jours dans le bastion alaouite du ...
Lors d’une visite de solidarité au Bangladesh, le chef de l’ONU a jugé, vendredi, « inacceptables » les coupes budgétaires dans l’aide internationale aux réfugiés rohingyas, sous le coup de réductions ...
La surpêche a de graves répercussions sur les écosystèmes marins, les populations littorales et le climat à l’échelle mondiale, a indiqué vendredi une experte indépendante de l’ONU.
The UK prime minister, Keir Starmer, has announced plans to abolish NHS England, the organisation that oversees and manages the NHS in England, employing 19,000 people. He declared he was bringing the ...
Sir Keir Starmer, the UK prime minister, announced on March 13 that the government will move to abolish NHS England in the next two years. During this period, the government plans ...
“Regular travellers to the UK should [not] be negatively affected by a relatively small number of persons who have been trying to abuse the British immigration system.” ...
The recently appointed White House press secretary, Karoline Leavitt, has begun her tenure combatively, aggressively defending the Trump administration’s policies and, at times, mimicking Donald Trump ...
Pakistan’s army has freed hundreds of hostages from a passenger train that was seized by armed militants in the south-western province of Balochistan on Tues1. A number of those on board were military ...
Indulging in risky sexual behaviour or pathological gambling – not so common.
Democracy is fragile. As a federal election approaches in Canada, it’s important to know the warning signs of extremism and anti-democratic practices that are now routine in the U.S.
The NHS was hit hard by COVID. And no amount of appreciative clapping or painted rainbows could distract from the vulnerabilities which were exposed by the pandemic – or the challenges it created.
Ann John, Clinical Professor of Public Health and Psychiatry, Swansea University Tania Gergel, Honorary Senior Research Fellow, Division of Psychiatry and Director of Research at Bipolar UK, UCL ...