An incredible series of videos showing particularly violent interactions between a grizzly bear and a family of moose was captured at Glacier National Park over the holiday weekend. The videos ...
A series of well-placed trail cameras captured a moose and her calves desperately fleeing a charging grizzly bear, and the clever way the mother turned the tables on their pursuer. It’s rare to ...
Grizzlies most commonly eat: A grizzly bear’s primary prey includes newborn ungulates such as deer, elk, caribou, moose; old or injured ungulates; and fish for grizzlies who live near water. They also ...
I mean, why would I want to have a baby moose near traffic? Y: Because deep in the forest you might run into a grizzly bear who could eat you and your calf. D ...
That filled my ticket for moose. The second day brought us to timberline on Baldface. Lester told me this was grizzly territory for sure. He said the larger animals usually stay on the upper reaches ...
The grizzly bears will start their hibernation in approximately the first week of December, and they will not eat, drink, urinate or defecate at all during their period ... we also do some other ...