Moody's Investors Service upgraded to 'A1' from 'A2' the LT- foreign currency credit rating of E.Sun Commercial Bank on March 13, 2025. The outlook is stable.
Announcement on Resolution of the 5th Meeting of the 4th Board of SupervisorsThe abstract is for reference only. Please refer to the full text of the announcement on the very day.Link of Full Text for ...
Moody's Investors Service assigned LT- foreign currency credit rating of 'B3' to Petroleos del Peru on March 13, 2025. The outlook is stable.
Announcement on Resolution of the 39th Meeting of the 10th Board of DirectorsThe abstract is for reference only. Please refer to the full text of the announcement on the very day.Link of Full Text for ...
Fitch Ratings affirmed the 'BB+' LT Int. Scale (foreign curr.) credit rating of Banco Agromercantil on March 11, 2025. At the same time the rating agency revised outlook to negative from stable.
LT Int. Scale (foreign curr.) credit rating of Emirates Development Bank (EDB) on March 12, 2025. The outlook is stable.
S&P Global Ratings affirmed the 'B' Local Currency LT credit rating of Alta Equipment Group on March 10, 2025. The outlook is stable.
Moody's Investors Service affirmed the 'Baa1' LT- local currency credit rating of J.B. Hunt Transport Services on March 11, 2025. The outlook is stable.
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S&P Global Ratings affirmed the 'CC' Local Currency LT credit rating of Altice France Holding S.A. on March 10, 2025. The outlook is negative.