Camila Galheigo Coelho: Laços sociais são fundamentais para macacos-prego aprenderem novas habilidades. Alvaro Crósta: ...
The opportunity for simplicity, dispensing with theoretically essential grammatical elements and answering, “Yes, I did,” when someone asks, “Did you buy the car?” is one of the features that give ...
Um banco de dados criado por pesquisadores norte-americanos vai servir de referência para estudos sobre o uso de preprints, ...
In 26 th place on the list of nations with the highest theft rates, the country joins the UNESCO heritage protection committee In 2004, two people pretended to be researchers and consulted, on a ...
Podcast discute a formação de uma rede nacional de telescópios para acompanhar a trajetória de artefatos que orbitam a Terra. E mais: de pai para filho; sítios arqueológicos; licenciamento de ...
Um estudo que monitorou 54 onças-pintadas (Panthera onca) por florestas, áreas agrícolas, estradas e cursos d’água, em diferentes regiões da América do Sul, indicou que os felinos saem da mata fechada ...
Land transport accidents are the main cause of juvenile death in Latin America, according to the United Nations (UN). In Brazil, 392,000 people died due to traffic accidents between 2010 and 2019, an ...
One of the hallmarks of Brazilian modernism was its quest to discover the nature of national identity, a topic that guided an extensive line of academic studies in literature. But when Eliane Robert ...
Cinco cientistas das universidades de São Paulo (USP), Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp) e Estadual Paulista (Unesp) acabam de criar, com o apoio da Votorantim Ventures, a Alellyx, uma empresa de ...
Two companies are transforming waste from sugarcane into pulp and paper. In February 2017, FibraResist opened a factory to produce pulp from sugarcane leaves in Lençóis Paulista, a sugar-growing ...
Born in Lima, climatologist José Antonio Marengo received a degree in physics and meteorology in Peru and spent eight years in the United States, where he completed a PhD and two postdoctoral ...
The next two years should see Brazil’s first production of new-generation semiconductor modules for use in smartphones and Internet of Things (IoT) devices, if plans pan out. US-based Qualcomm, the ...