House of Representatives Practice is the comprehensive and authoritative text on the procedure and practice of the House of Representatives. This seventh edition was published in June 2018. View House ...
4.113The Committee recommends the Australian Government define the following terms in the Insurance Contracts Act 1984: All major forms of water damage, including “rainfall runoff”, “storm surge”, ...
2.128The committee recommends that the Australian Government further develop clinical guidelines and local pathways for rare and less common cancers and ensure that they are accessible and available ...
2.97The committee recommends that the Australian Government establish the National Sports Injury Database as a matter of urgency, noting this will significantly help address the lack of sports injury ...
Senators and Members individually decide their preferred web based contact method. To contact your Senator or Member first find their home page using the below search tool. Their home page will ...
9.42The committee recommends that the government introduce legislation to establish a Human Rights Act. The committee considers the bill should broadly reflect the model proposed by the Australian ...
2.126That the Australian Government establish a mechanism for co-design with victim-survivors of financial abuse (including through representative groups) in relation to the implementation of ...
2.119The Committee recommends that the Australian Government continues to work towards securing bipartisan support for the international development program, including through indexation, for the long ...
We provide high quality information, analysis and advice to parliamentarians and committees. Government funding to major sporting codes and teams is distributed through both sports-specific programs ...
This report examines historical trends in JobSeeker payment expenditure and recipient demographics, the drivers of these trends, and the implications for Commonwealth Government expenditure on the ...
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2.105The committee recommends that the Australian Government legislate a Digital Duty of Care to place a legal obligation on digital platforms to take proactive steps to protect their users.