Beans, lentils, soybeans, groundnut and others… legumes include a vast diversity of crop species. In several African ...
Haricot, lentille, soja, arachide… Les légumineuses regroupent une immense diversité d’espèces cultivées. Dans plusieurs pays ...
Apart from the moral aspect, taking account of gender in research is a sign of the quality of that research. It is also a ...
L’Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire de l’alimentation, de l’environnement et du travail (Anses) et le Centre de ...
One Health approaches are increasingly popular, particularly since the Covid-19 crisis. Rather than being limited to diseases ...
Au-delà de l’aspect moral, la prise en compte du genre en recherche reflète la qualité même des travaux scientifiques. C’est ...
Welcoming partners Under our cooperation agreements and research projects, we welcome around 130 new partners each year for varying lengths of time, from a few weeks to several years. Building ...
Agrifood systems need to become more sustainable, healthy, productive, inclusive, climate resilient to be able to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals. This requires profound changes ...
Seminar organized by the Federal University of Rio Grande Do Sul, CIRAD; the PP-AL network, the Brazilian Ministry of Agrarian Development and Family Farming and IICA.
Le Cirad a présenté mardi 25 février au Salon international de l’agriculture sa première feuille de route Outre-mer pour 2024 ...
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