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The Ledger Dispatch publishes weekly each Friday. The deadline reservation for classified advertising is each Tuesday by 12 PM (noon). Fill out this form to place a CLASSIFIED AD (help wanted, items ...
The Sutter Creek City Council spent part of its regular meeting on Monday evening, March 3 in a joint session with the Sutter Creek Planning Commission. The goal of the joint session was to provide an ...
Please click on "Subscribe for Newspaper Delivery" link below or call us at 209-223-8761 to set up your subscription or with any questions ...
Featuring soups of Amador County, the 15th Annual Empty Bowls will take place on Sunday, March 30th from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Italian Picnic Grounds. Soups from Amador High School Culinary, ...
This community managed by: Cambridge RES, Inc.
Local Arts Agencies (LAAs) are arts institutions and economic powerhouses that drive growth, innovation, and vitality in communities nationwide. From creating jobs to boosting property values, the ...
A previous letter I wrote included text from the Indian Land Consolidation Act (ILCA) that requires Tribes using the ILCA to have existing trust land. The ILCA also requires a Land Consolidation Plan ...
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WHAT: Vitalant will host the Calaveras Community blood drive to meet the community’s need for blood and blood products. The blood drive is sponsored by the Calaveras Community Foundation. Donors will ...
UCCE Master Gardeners presents the FREE public education course Planting Your Spring and Summer Garden on Saturday, March 33 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. at GSA Building, 12200-B Airport Road in Jackson. It ...
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