As a devolved nation, there is a unique opportunity in Wales to develop, test and scale new ideas for social good, finding places where devolution allows us to go further and faster in achieving our ...
Recent debates surrounding the future of jobs have tended to focus on whether roles are at risk of automation. Often, studies have minimised the potential effects of automation on job creation, and ...
We want to see more innovative firms start and scale. On this page, you will find links to practical tools and advice to help you do this. Nesta does not directly incubate or accelerate startups, but ...
Our guide on using design tools and methods in the public sector, created in partnership with design firm IDEO. Content and Communications Manager, Innovation Skills Isobel worked in the Innovation ...
Challenge Works previously called Nesta Challenges, was founded in 2012 as a dedicated unit within Nesta and in 2022 became a social enterprise to reflect a shift in priorities and focus. Challenge ...
We bring bold ideas to life to grow the creative economy, and help arts and cultural organisations thrive. Celeste managed the Creative Business Mentor Network, a programme which aims to nurture some ...
Open Jobs is a programme of work that focuses on improving labour market information. The programme shows how cutting-edge data science methods, when applied to large sources of text data, can provide ...
Public interest news plays a vital role in empowering citizens, strengthening democracy and holding leaders to account. But the way we consume news is changing, and we need fresh new ideas to fund and ...
Share Somewhere is a venue finder which helps community groups to find low cost and under-used spaces to rent. Share Somewhere is a venue finder for community spaces, making it easy for voluntary ... ... ...
All babies and children need stable, caring relationships and stimulating experiences to thrive. The environment and experiences of early childhood shape our brains and bodies, creating the building ...