Each PAT is designed to assess an important capability, such as reading comprehension, that develops over time and across the ...
NZCER is excited to introduce new item reporting for the Progressive Achievement Tests (PATs), our standardised assessments ...
Te Whāriki promotes the use of te reo rangatira in English-medium early childhood education (ECE) settings. There is a growing body of work concerning the use of pukapuka pikitia (picturebooks) to ...
Currently, the Mäori word hauora is translated in New Zealand curricula as health and wellbeing or as health and physical education for Mäori-medium education. "Hauora, wellbeing" is also an ...
Once we’ve shaped an inquiry into our own teaching, should we share our question with the students in the class? There are many reasons why teachers might hesitate to share their inquiry questions ...
The young people who are the subject of the National Child Development Study are now aged 25. For most of their lives they have been monitored by the National Children's Bureau and described in 19 ...
The focus section of this issue of set is a collection of articles that discuss various aspects of key competency development in the early primary school years. These articles were selected from a ...
The national COVID-19 lockdown during school Term 1 and continuing in Term 2 2020, provided a unique context to investigate children’s experiences of informal, everyday learning in their household ...
The STAR reading tests are standardised assessment tools, designed to supplement the assessments that teachers make about their students' progress and achievement in reading. Each test assesses a ...
The Hidden Lives of Learners takes the reader deep into the hitherto undiscovered world of the learner. It explores the three worlds which together shape a student’s learning – the public world of the ...
Our purpose centres on whakatere tōmua / wayfinding. Whakatere tōmua is our mahi. Our purpose—through research, resources, and services—is to find ways for kaiako, ākonga, and whānau to have the best ...