Oktoberfest takes place very centrally in Munich: on the so-called Theresienwiese, a mostly empty space of about 100 acres, not far from the Old Town and in the middle of Munich’s ...
Today, it’s not only music that can be heard when crossing Oktoberfest grounds. Lights glitter all around, animated figures invite you to ride on amusements, and performers outperform each other when ...
With a ridge height of 15 meters, the Bräurosl is the highest of all the tents at the Oktoberfest and can hold a total of 8,250 people, 560 of them in the covered outdoor loggia and 1,200 guests in ...
Keine Wiesn ohne die Schottenhamel-Festhalle, denn hier wird mit dem Anzapfen jedes Jahr das Oktoberfest offiziell eröffnet. Punkt 12 Uhr mittags sticht der Oberbürgermeister von München am ersten ...
Kindertrachten sind ein zauberhafter Hingucker, in den die meisten Kleinen gerne schlüpfen. Am Tag, besonders zur beliebten ...
Only beer from Munich breweries may be served at the Wiesn. Weeks before the Wiesn kicks off, the breweries present their new Wiesn beer brewed every year: Augustiner, Hacker-Pschorr, Hofbräu, ...
Der traditionelle Steckerlfisch ist das Oktoberfest-Highlight der berühmten Fischer-Vroni. An offenen Grill mit einer Gesamtlänge von rund 15 Metern werden die Spezialitäten vor den Augen der ...
Lovingly decorated, good food, and friendly service make up the charm of the youngest of the large Oktoberfest tents. Caution, party people: No one gets on the benches until 4 p.m. The colorful Art ...
The Wiesn church service is a longstanding tradition at the Munich Oktoberfest. It was held for the first time in 1956 by the head of the Catholic circus and festival workers’ chaplaincy, Father Heinz ...
From the Armbrustschützen tent to Schottenhamel, from traditional to international: The typical Oktoberfest atmosphere can be found in every tent! An overview of the large tents.
Die wuchtigen Holzbalken der Dachkonstruktion sind im Hacker-Festzelt auf geniale Weise mit hellblauem Stoff verkleidet. Man hat hier im Gegensatz zu anderen Zelten, in denen die Stoffbahnen viel ...
Thousands of participants in traditional costumes, traditional shooters and musicians parade from Maximilianstraße to Theresienwiese during the Trachten- und Schützenzug ( traditional costume and ...