CamerAlert is a Speed and Red Light Camera warning system based on the world renowned Speed Camera Database. It provides both audible and visual warnings as you approach a camera.
TomTom Maps-on-Line is a service that brings up-to-date maps, driving instructions and local information straight to your Pocket PC while you're on the move. TomTom Maps-on-Line is a wireless mapping ...
NOTE: Swiss cameras are not currently included in the EUR download.
This Points Of Interest page contains a list of POI's from all over the world. Currently these are available in TomTom Navigator (OV2) format, but will be made available in other formats in months to ...
TomTom's NAV3 devices that use the MyTomTom website to manage their cnotent (e.g. GO 1000, GO 1005, VIA Live etc) are able to use custom splash screens. These can be shown when the device is starting ...
CF GPS Receivers are great for both in-car usage for street routing applications, or for out of car use like for walking or hiking. Modern CF GPS Receivers also come with on-board memory for storage ...
SatNav hardware is useless without the software to drive it. We have reviewed a wide range of popular (and obscure) GPS applications, ranging from Street Routing to Topographical. We even have ...
Over the last couple of years Personal Navigation Devices (PNDs) have become popular. These have moved the SatNav market into the mainstream consumer arena. The Garmin Street Pilots have been around ...
Street Routing allows you to have street maps of the location you are in, and allow you to route from your current location to a destination, and to allow you to plot routes and avoid road blocks.
The Navteq LBS Challenge is held in the three main areas in the World: America, Europe and Asia. The European Challenge was at Mobile World Congress in February, followed by the Americas at CTIA in ...
If your phone has GPS then you can try the Automatic Location Search ...
A new set of firmware updates for the Rhino devices has been released by Garmin. Changes made from version 3.30 to 3.40: Fixed problem that caused MGRS coordinates to occasionally display improperly ...