You could almost forget that the "cycle" we're trying to break here is the cycle of abuse. Cycle-breaking is the idea that we ...
So when I imagined having kids, it was always plural. If I was lucky enough to have one child, I knew I wanted to try to have ...
Climate change isn’t going to happen, it’s happening — not to someone else, but to me and my young children, now.
When Kirsta, a Milwaukee art teacher, was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder, she started making Instagram reels to vent about her experience as an adoptee. In some of her most-viewed ...
When Trump won in 2016, there was a groundswell movement to protect women's rights. Suddenly there were seemingly endless books and think pieces about where women go from there, and how to raise ...
Collecting my children’s bagged “personal items” from their school in a socially distanced line while wearing a homemade cloth mask is the most vivid memory I have of the entire coronavirus ...
When Erin Flores visited her doctor for a routine physical in 2016, she wasn’t expecting life-changing news. The discovery of a fibroid in the lining of her uterus left her with two conflicting ...
“Make sure you mix everything up good and scrape the bowl” was a common refrain I heard sitting at my grandmother’s kitchen table helping prepare meals. I’d heard it countless times, along ...
I turn away from my husband and his snoring, using my back to try to block out the light from my phone. It is my favorite time of day: 10 p.m., in bed, secretly scrolling my favorite app, NYTimes ...
Because we all know we’re supposed to foster our kids’ independence, but sometimes it’s easier said than done.
I always say my biggest competitor is myself because, whenever I step out there on the mat, I'm competing against myself to prove that I can do this.
When news of the U.S. Surgeon General Advisory on the Mental Health and Well-Being of Parents hit my feeds in late August, I clicked on Dr. Vivek Murthy’s story in the New York Times with the ...