A sex worker from Brooklyn meets and marries the son of a Russian oligarch. However, her Cinderella-esque story is threatened as her new in-laws set to get the marriage annulled. Set in 1970s New ...
Love movies? Live for TV? USA TODAY's Watch Party newsletter has all the best recommendations, delivered right to your inbox. Sign up now and be one of the cool kids. You don't score 10 Oscar ...
2025年春运落下帷幕。记者24日从福建海事局获悉,春运期间,两马、黄马“小三通”航线累计运营264班次,同比增长71.43% ...
福州新闻网2月24日讯(福州日报记者 潘倩)24日,市长吴贤德主持召开市政府2月份重大项目协调例会,听取仓山区三江口南湖片区和鼓楼区、台江区、晋安区部分片区开发建设进展情况,逐一协调解决项目推进过程中存在的问题,研究部署下一步工作。 吴贤德 ...
When it comes to movies, why wait for the end-of-year best-of lists? A number of movies have already garnered 3.5 stars or more from The Washington Post’s critics and contributors (Ann Hornaday ...
Perkins keeps upping the ante on his film’s comedic brand of insanity. Fires, beheadings, a well-placed shotgun–it’s almost like death has a sense of humor in this movie. That could be because Perkins ...
“真的太感谢医生护士了!要不是他们专业又细心,我家孩子可就危险了!”2 月 20 号,在武汉市普仁医院,看着马上就能出院,身体恢复得不错的儿子小牛(化名),家长拉着正在查房的消化内科一病区医护人员的手,一个劲儿地道谢。 小牛今年 14 岁,前 ...
From Iron Man to Captain America: Brave New World, here’s all 35 Marvel Cinematic Universe movies ranked in order from worst to best (based on CinemaScore grades and audience scores).