Ataxia is caused by damage in cerebellum, leading to poor muscle control. Know the causes and types of ataxia that can lead ...
as well as non-neurological signs including hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and diabetes mellitus. Owing to the rarity of Friedreich ataxia, both affected individuals and clinical specialists are ...
MSA usually progresses much more rapidly than classic Parkinson's disease. Signs and Symptoms of Cerebellar Dysfunction (MSA-C) MSA-C is characterized by poor coordination and progressive loss of ...
Careful monitoring of neurologic function, cardiac function, presence of diabetes, monitoring for scoliosis and visual loss ...
Spinocerebellar Ataxia (SCA) is a rare, genetic, life-threatening neurodegenerative disease with no available treatment. Troriluzole demonstrated a 50-70% slowing of SCA disease progression on the ...