A bald eagle riding a dead skunk like a snowboard isn’t something you see every day, but a woman in Maine got it on video. It ...
The City of Blue Springs says the specific location of the nest will not be disclosed to ensure the safety of the pair and ...
Around the village of Unalaska and nearby Dutch Harbor, the largest fishing port in the United States, the eagles are very much used to people. Fish are everywhere, and the eagles hang around ...
She was one of the lucky ones. Her assailants were bald eagles, Haliaeetus leucocephalus—or Dutch Harbor pigeons, as they’re known around this fishing port in the Aleutian chain on the edge of ...
Threats that bald eagles face today include: Lead exposure from bullets left in animals hunted for sport or discarded fishing weights Habitat destruction Collision with wind farm turbine blades ...
Over 30 bald eagles, some adult and some juvenile, were counted in early March when volunteers across southern West Virginia joined in 18th Spring Eagle Survey. Conducted March 1 by the Eagle Brigade ...