BETHLEHEM, Pa. - A fully grown bald eagle is recovering after being rescued Thursday morning from Saucon Park in Bethlehem. She was discovered by workers at Saucon Park around 8:30 a.m. She couldn ...
Columbus — This year’s Open Season Sportsman’s Expo at the state fairgrounds will run from March 14-16. The event, formerly called the Deer and Turkey Expo, is held at the Ohio Expo Center. Show hours ...
Before cable TV and all the outdoor shows became available, the local winter boat or sport show was the only way to get to ...
Photos availableThe Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) will present draft materials for the Creek Ranch Wildlife Man ...
A bald eagle flying at Saganashkee Slough. Mark Kasick Share Notes come from around Chicago outdoors and beyond. WILD OF THE WEEK Mark Kasick emailed his best bald eagle photo Wednesday ...
Eagles feed on fish, smaller birds, waterfowl, small mammals, rodents, and reptiles. They can sometimes delight in animals as big as deer or pigs! Eagles do not chew their food. They either swallow it ...
A new UC Santa Cruz study reveals coyotes are decapitating baby seals across the Northern California and Bay Area coastline. is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Learn More It’s not just speed or strength that makes deer hunting dogs—it’s ...
Jennifer Elgee submitted this gorgeous portrait of a springtime male blackburnian warbler, a coniferous forest bird that sings and nests in the tops of the tallest mature spruce and fir trees across ...
TPWD said white-tailed deer hunting also contributes billions annually to the Texas economy and widespread disease could have a devastating impact.
Janet Haslerig is an avian ecologist with the Missouri Department of Conservation, who details how weather plays a direct role in bald eagle habits and populations. Like a lot of other animals ...
OPINION — We live in eagle country. We can see both bald and golden eagles on a regular basis and if we spend enough time outdoors we get to see them hunt, capture prey, and feed.