Bald eagle numbers are increasing, thanks to key changes 50 years ago. But it's still a surprise to see them up close, like one instance in Waukesha.
Before cable TV and all the outdoor shows became available, the local winter boat or sport show was the only way to get to ...
The deer ran off unharmed, although the hammock required attention. • A bald eagle caught in a foothold ... The husband lost hunting privileges for two years, the wife for one.
A bald eagle ... says “the eagle is our conservation success story.” But lead poisoning has remained troublesome for the creatures, which sometimes feed on dead animals such as deer that ...
He’d seen eagles hunting fish before, but had “never seen it attack a bird like that,” he said. It was likely that the bald eagle was preying on the omnivorous coot, which feasts on the lake ...
a domestic dog and white-tailed deer in the vicinity that had also been shot and killed. Bald eagles are federally protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and the Bald and Golden Eagle ...