Amid claims and counterclaims over the poaching of Gautala wildlife sanctuary's lone tiger, no trap camera has taken any im.
The crocodile was spotted basking along the Khlong Chomphu River, marking its first official sighting in the park since 2013 ...
Following wildlife cues in Costa Rica's tropical dry forest led to extraordinary camera trap footage of a jaguar carrying a ...
Vincent Losasso, founder of Guanacaste Wildlife Monitoring, is a biologist who works with camera traps throughout Costa Rica ...
Detection models and Python scripts for automated insect monitoring with the Insect Detect DIY camera trap.
Forest Department investigates leopard attack on livestock in Coimbatore, places camera traps to identify the carnivore.
ROING, 4 Mar: For the first time, a tiger was captured in a camera trap during a recent survey and monitoring conducted in ...
Amid claims and counterclaims over the killing of the lone tiger at Gautala Autramghat Wildlife Sanctuary in the district, .
A new search for Nessie will take place in Loch Ness this May - after the Loch Ness Centre announced plans for upgraded tech ...
Lucas, a U.K.-based photographer who specializes in high-definition camera-trapping, set up cameras at four sites in the Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park, a 4,000-square-kilometer (1,545-square-mile) ...