and junior AJ Fenske will play Draco Malfoy. In the play, Albus Potter and Scorpius Malfoy team up to steal a Time-Turner and travel back in time to alter the events of the series’ fourth book, “Harry ...
Harry Potter fans will notice key differences in Draco Malfoy between the books and movies—his academic skills, his friendship with Moaning Myrtle, and his Occlumency training. Your comment has ...
Is that really Draco Malfoy as Peter Pan?! Donning brown hair and a green tunic? Now, if only that was a full-body photo so I can see our favorite Slytherin in those tights! Would The Lost Boys be ...
To this end, fans are convinced they have found the perfect Lucius Malfoy, aka the perfect father of Draco Malfoy. Over on Reddit, one of the top posts on the page dedicated specifically to the ...