Another person said, "You should see my TV remote and my walk and look stick on controller." Another Cockatoo parent said ...
You know a star when you see one, but when it's a beloved pet who also knows they're the star, that's when things get a ...
If you’ve ever heard a bird talking, screeching, and squawking in a pet shop, there’s a good chance it was a cockatoo. This bird is easily recognizable by its loud voice and its bright white feathers.
Enter a Cockatoo named Bandit. Though he normally does enjoy TV, seeing something (or should I say someone) he didn't like on ...
When it comes to pets with a serious jealous streak, pet birds take the (seed) cake every time. Talking birds like parrots and Cockatoos are highly intelligent social animals who form intense ...
Several bird species, including mynas, ring-necked parakeets, cockatiels, budgerigars, cockatoos, and eclectus parrots, ...
Several bird species, including mynas, ring-necked parakeets, cockatiels, budgerigars, cockatoos ... making them suitable for different types of pet owners. Myna birds are highly social ...
Researchers at the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna are reporting that Goffin's cockatoos (Cacatua goffiniana) engage in food flavoring behavior by dunking food into soy yogurt.
Cockatoos are a chatty bird found in the wild that are also domesticated as pets. There are more than 20 different species of cockatoo, all a part of the parrot family. Scientists from China studied a ...
A lot of Cockatoo parents compare their gorgeous birds to toddlers, as in they behave like toddlers, and can be needy like toddlers, and even learn language like human toddlers. Well, any human ...
But, recently, Zewald's supervisor noticed her own pet cockatoos dunking their food — not in water, but in blueberry soy yogurt, which she sometimes gave them as a treat. The cockatoos dragged ...
People on TikTok have been entertained by a clip of an African grey parrot and Moluccan Cockatoo's reactions to seeing snow ...