BEIJING, Feb. 7 (Xinhua) -- China has maintained its position as the world's largest trading nation in goods during the past eight years, the country's customs regulator said Friday.
据泰国海关 (Thailand Customs)最新统计数据显示,2024年12月煤炭 (包括褐煤)进口131.62万吨,环比下降12.73%,同比下降16.93%。2024年煤炭 (包括褐煤)总进口累计1843.29万吨,同比增长1.66%。
BEIJING, Feb. 4 (Xinhua) -- China will impose additional tariffs on certain U.S. products starting from Feb. 10, the Customs Tariff Commission of the State Council said on Tuesday.
除夕是农历年的最后一天,也是中国人最为重视的节日。除为“去,交替”,除夕便是“ 月穷岁尽,辞旧迎新 ”。据称,最早提及“除夕”这一名称的,是西晋周处撰著的《风土记》等史籍。
(ECNS) -- The first regular international air cargo route from Urumqi, capital of Northwest China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region to Istanbul in Türkiye was launched on Thursday.