Black cats have arguably the best naming potential. With the lure of mystery, superstition, and magic around black cats, there’s an endless abyss of name inspiration to pull from. You’ve ...
White T-shirts get a lot of attention, but let’s not forget their equally versatile counterpart: the exceedingly wearable, deceptively simple black T-shirt. It’s a staple you can wear to work ...
In a political landscape that is fully intent on otherizing the Black experience, it’s more important than ever to listen to Black voices and experience Black stories. Netflix’s Black Stories ...
Realistically, Mattermost trades blows with Slack rather than Discord, but since we’ve mentioned Slack as a Discord alternative, it’d be evil to not mention Mattermost. For starters, it’s open-source ...
Promise. There's a plethora of talent and ingenuity that comes out of the Black community, so if you want your wardrobe (or beauty routine!) to look fresh and trend-setting, these are the ...
Discord lets you bold, italicize, or underline text by adding two asterisks, an underscore, or two underscores to the text, respectively. You can add an H1, H2, or H3 heading on Discord using markdown ...
Discord’s new Ignore feature lets you mute someone’s messages and notifications without them knowing, unlike blocking, which is obvious. Ignored users can still message you, but their messages ...
Grand theft auto 6 protagonists. RELATED: Rockstar Games Fans Divided Over Studio’s Next Game After GTA 6 Grand Theft Auto 6’s Discord channel can be joined by anyone with the invite link ...
Love adding a personal touch to your games? Even something as tiny as a crosshair can make a big difference, especially in competitive arenas like Valorant. Today, we’ve rounded up some of the cutest ...
Colorectal cancer is a disease that affects thousands each year, yet early detection and awareness can make all the difference.… ...
A person’s poop may be black due to eating certain foods, such as licorice, taking iron supplements, or gastrointestinal bleeding. If people have blood in the stool, they may benefit from ...
Here’s how it works. Rockstar Games has quietly launched an official Discord server, complete with a dedicated Grand Theft Auto 6 channel, and if you're looking for information on the next GTA ...