Our guidelines for treatment of leg length inequality are as follows: <2 cm -- no treatment or a lift in the shoe; 2 to 6 cm -- an epiphysiodesis or shortening procedure is considered; 6 to 15 cm ...
Dr. Roger Widmann is Professor of Orthopedic Surgery and Chief Emeritus of the Pediatric Orthopedic Surgery Service at HSS. Dr. Widmann specializes in the surgical and nonsurgical treatment of ...
于是,研究人员决定进行第二次手术,采用外侧入路暴露远端腓骨,实施八孔钢板骺固定术(eight - plate epiphysiodesis)来纠正畸形。但 4 个月后,八孔钢板固定失败,只能再次进行手术,改为腓骨截骨并使用空心髓内螺钉进行骺固定术。 经过一系列治疗,在初次 ...
Background: Radius and ulna fractures are very common in the pediatric population. Despite the use of pinning through the growth plate, which was proposed in the past and is still being used to treat ...
Pathogenesis of progressive adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Platelet activation and vascular biology in immature vertebrae: an alternative molecular hypothesis.
Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate Vertebral Pedicular Tethering (VPT) as a less invasive alternative to traditional spinal fusion in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS), focusing on ...