Vice President Sara Duterte says getting dumped in love hurts more than being impeached when asked about her impeachment. The Facebook pages of at least four pro-Duterte personalities are inaccessible ...
The Korean husband of the late Taiwanese star Barbie Hsu, Koo Jun-yup or DJ Koo, said he is going through an “indescribable sadness and pain” with the sudden passing of his wife last February 2.
2月6号晚,韩国艺人具俊晔(Koo Jun Yup)通过社交媒体发表了一篇长文,针对外界对其与大S的遗产和孩子问题的猜疑做出了回应。在长文中,具俊晔表示,大S的遗产将全部交给其母亲,他本人不会干涉遗产问题。在孩子抚养权方面,具俊晔也表示希望能够在律师的监督下维护孩子们的权益,但他承认自己在抚养权争夺上并无实质性作用。
Barbie Hsu's husband Koo Jun-yup mourned for the Taiwanese actress-host in two Instagram posts written in Mandarin and Korean yesterday (Feb 6) evening. "I am now in an indescribable state of sorrow ...