We used demographic variables and data on respondents’ direct ... We consolidated responses to Likert-scale questions by combining results for the responses “strongly disagree” with “disagree” and ...
You will choose a dataset of your own or provided in one of the texts and write a Python program (or set of Python programs or mixture of .ipynb and .py/.sh scripts) to carry out a revealing data ...
Materials and IPython notebooks for "Python for Data Analysis, 3rd Edition" by Wes McKinney, published by O'Reilly Media. Book content including updates and errata fixes can be found for free on my ...
and a smart scale can help you keep an eye on these metrics more effectively. These devices do more than just display your weight -- they also measure key data points like body fat percentage ...
Myo, Z. , Ko, Z. , Linn, N. and Ko, Y. (2025) Customers’ Expectations on Mandalay Airport Shuttle Bus Service Quality in Mandalay, Myanmar. Open Journal of Business and Management, 13, 1047-1064. doi: ...
Back in 1934, Ralph Nelson Elliott discovered that price action displayed on charts, instead of behaving in a somewhat chaotic manner, had actually an intrinsic narrative attached. Elliot saw the ...
It is a source for consistently processed ice extent and concentration images and data values since 1979. Monthly images show sea ice extent with ... These exchanges affect what we see in larger scale ...
Giant trolley scales being trialled by Tesco have caused ... official figures revealed last month. The shocking data is further proof of Britain's worsening retail theft epidemic, which an ...