A pastoral team commissioned by the Messianic Jewish umbrella organization Tikkun International has suggested there might be ...
Notwithstanding the many genuine Christian supporters of the State of Israel and the Jewish people who we cherish and continue to work closely with, over the last 60 years, the deceptive “Messianic” ...
The topic was the Jewish view regarding the Moshiach (Messiah) and the Messianic era. Essentially, my goal was to share with the students a sweeping and brief overview of the main prophecies, ...
The Peniel Learning Center, a Hebrew-speaking Messianic elementary school in Tiberias, is fighting for its survival and hopes public pressure might turn back attempts to close it down. “Parents are ...
She arrived via Hong Kong singing and blowing the “shofar”, a Jewish ritual that involves blowing a ram’s horn on Rosh Hashanah and other occasions. The Archbishop was met by Minister Kessie Sawang, ...
Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email Print Copy Link Purim, one of the most joyous and dramatic holidays in the Jewish calendar, commemorates the deliverance of the Jewish people from a genocidal plot in ...
Who is responsible for the birth of Christianity? As with any major phenomenon, the answer is complex. Christianity developed ...
Closing the school will leave Messianic Jewish and Evangelical Christian families, including U.S. expatriates, in northern Israel without an institution that aligns with their faith and values and ...
When he was 20, he says he had a personal revelation that led him to Jesus, and he eventually became the head of a Messianic congregation, blending Jewish rituals with Christian worship and a ...
Applied Chassidus with Rabbi Simon Jacobson: What Does the Rebbetzin Represent in Our Lives? Are We Living in Messianic Times? How Do We Open Our Eyes and See Redemption Coming? Full Story Applied ...
A class by Rabbi Heschel Greenberg on the Rambam’s Mishneh Torah: The Paradox of Natural Change in Messianic Times.
The Israeli prime minister ignores the views of the majority of his people.