Uncomplicated skin infections account for almost 200 million physician-office visits in the USA annually. Treating these infections is estimated to cost in excess of US$350 million each year. The ...
If nostril culture shows that the patient is a staph carrier, mupirocin ointment is applied in the nostrils twice daily for 5 days, and as indicated thereafter.
Whipped cream is rarely the star of the show. It's like an extra in a movie — you barely notice it, but things don't feel right when it's missing. I decided to try eight store-bought brands of ...
A topical antibacterial water-soluble cream (not a water-insoluble ointment), such as mupirocin or silver sulfadiazine, should be applied to the skin under the bandage. Cytology of the contents ...
Although some eye creams promise to completely banish dark circles, the presence of this under-eye discoloration can be due to an array of reasons, some of which a cream won’t correct ...
Jazz has been among the best network providers in Pakistan for quite a while now. It offers lots of packages and bundles, and among those, there are dedicated Jazz WhatsApp Packages to let you use ...
Reviewers have tested some of the products below and may have received some from the manufacturers for free. All opinions are the reviewers’ own. These full-spectrum gummies are suitable for ...
Here, it's called by a different name. If you’re following a recipe for a cake or other dessert, sometimes you may come across heavy cream in the ingredients list. While cream is easy enough to find ...
Use a mild soap or soap substitute that won't dry your skin. You’ll also want a good moisturizer in cream, lotion, or ointment form. Smooth it on right after a shower or bath, as well as at ...