The most dramatic phenotypes tend to be lost, as gross perturbations of immunity are likely to kill mice in a colony before the causal mutations achieve fixation by chance. Genetic differences are ...
The Institute for Behavioral Genetics has the world's most complete collection of mouse strains that have been engineered to express mutations in nicotinic cholinergic receptor (nAChR) subunit genes.
We recently demonstrated that an RNA-DNA oligonucleotide corrected a point mutation in the mouse tyrosinase gene, resulting in permanent and inheritable restoration of tyrosinase enzymatic ...
The mouse model closely mimics the specific dysferlin mutation and resulting disease, and enabled the researchers to evaluate how the complete therapy works—taking muscle stem cells, correcting ...
Researchers at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard have developed a gene-editing treatment for prion disease that extends lifespan by about 50 percent in a mouse model of the fatal ...