2月28日,智能住宅品牌栖息地发布了全球首款搭载家庭AI Agent的智能住宅产品——栖息地L32。作为栖息地的首款旗舰产品,L32专为中国有孩子的城市家庭设计,代表三房两卫户型。栖息地L32以产品化、智能化的思路和高度集成、软硬件一体化的居住空间解决方案 ...
Looking for to take your astrophotography to the next level? Save up to $800 on the Nikon Z8, a powerhouse of a mirrorless camera just in time to capture March's lunar eclipse. Are you a pro ...
Budget cameras rarely grab headlines, but one of Nikon’s most affordable mirrorless cameras has been quietly making its way up the sales ranks. The camera isn’t new and it isn’t a flagship, but I ...
Nikon has announced the Nikkor 28-135mm F4 PZ, a lens geared toward professional video shooters, and the company's first full-frame power zoom lens. It's the latest result of Nikon's increased focus ...
Last week’s Nikon P1100 announcement revived the bridge camera with the most versatile zoom range in a category that has seen relatively few updates over the last few years. Well, photographers are ...