Once Friday morning arrives, snowfall is expected to significantly ramp up. A staggering 15-35 inches of snow is expected to ...
So how are the roads? Here's how it's looking through the Ohio Department of Transportation's traffic cameras. Peering through ODOT's traffic cameras via OHGO, a website and mobile app from ODOT ...
Tualatin Valley Fire and Rescue is working to put out a vehicle fire on Highway 217 under the Highway 26 overpass.
CAMERA_API_URL = 'https://publicapi.ohgo.com/api/v1/cameras' INCIDENT_API_URL = 'https://publicapi.ohgo.com/api/v1/incidents' ...
(Vox) A speed camera option: Gotta’ love it when the head of a driver lobbying group realizes his hatred of speed enforcement cameras leads him to support safer street designs. Sounds good to me!
API_URL = "https://publicapi.ohgo.com/api/v1/cameras" ...
When will my street be plowed? Snowplow trackers let you track Ohio snow cleanup progress Peering through ODOT's traffic cameras via OHGO, a website and mobile app from ODOT that provides drivers ...
BEND, Ore. (KTVZ) -- It seems to be a back-and-forth game for ODOT crews and the homeless, one that costs $440,000 a year.