Families considering staying in town can take their kids to cool off and enjoy the San Antonio area splash pads. Recommended Videos Splash pads are water playgrounds typically with non-slip ...
From the construction cost to recycling water and safety, the splash pad at Travis Park in Rosenberg has been a topic of discussion with city leaders for years. A facility once again on council ...
The Center 50+ could also face closure due to the city's projected $13.8 million budget deficit. Maintenance, irrigation, ...
The Center 50+ could also face closure due to the city's projected $13.8 million budget deficit. Maintenance, irrigation, ...
Newkirk Park is the proposed location for a splashpad and wheelchair accessible playground if the city can obtain the funding for construction. A wheelchair accessible playground and splash pad could ...
Hernando County’s second splash pad is ready to begin construction at the Anderson Snow Sports Park. Commissioners voted 5-0 to approve the initial operating procedures at the February 11 regular ...
Maintenance, irrigation, splash pads, drinking fountains and restroom operations could cease at parks. Council voted unanimously Feb. 10 to direct staff to draft a resolution to refer a less ...