expanding the popular Japanese video game saga created by Konami with an acclaimed anime-inspired tale of dark fantasy, bloodshed, and many, many, many vampires. Indeed, both shows have introduced ...
The only downside of The Case Study of Vanitas anime Vampires never go out of fashion, and pretty ones even more so.This is also the reason why you can’t get enough of the intriguing plot progression ...
It doesn’t have to be Halloween for you to have a bitingly good time with the best vampire games on Nintendo Switch and mobile. We’ve taken it upon ourselves to head out into the night in search of ...
Stay tuned to Pinkvilla for more updates from the Baban Baban Ban Vampire anime. With a flaming passion for both stories and art, Sneha has been an avid fanatic of the anime and ...
Now there is a new theory that highlights how he could be a vampire, which is something that has already been confirmed to exist in the story, and there is some evidence to prove said theory.
“Brave the Dark” — (Drama, PG-13, 112 minutes). While living in a world of darkness because of torturous childhood memories, Nate ends up in jail. After his drama teacher bails him out and offers to ...
Hollywood loves a fairytale ending—and what better medium to deliver that than the romance movie? Ahead, we compiled a list of the 75 best romance movies in cinematic history. If you’re still ...