That’s an entire presidential term since we’ve had a full book of Prythian adventures. So, obviously, the top burning ...
Josh Wardle's Wordle, a daily five-letter word puzzle, has become a global sensation with its simple rules and addictive ...
John and I have been together for decades. Everything has been said, all opinions have been voiced, and nearly every life experience has visited our union as the years flew ...
Multiple eagles are described as a “convocation.” Turkeys, which Benjamin Franklin thought should be our national bird have ...
Wardle shared his best tip to playing the puzzle in an interview with Newsweek in 2022. "I would encourage people to experiment with different ideas and to find their own [starting] words, rather than ...
What are we seeking --- is it happiness, health, self-realisation or kaivalya? Based on the purpose, we bring Yoga into our lifestyle. Yoga is so much more than what we do on the mat ...
Hans Zimmer should be a noun-turned-verb, like Google, or at the very least a proper noun like Kleenex that now just means ...
Trump nominates John Squires as Director of the USPTO; former USPTO Solicitor Farheena Rasheed to the PTAB as Vice Chief; ...
If you’re the one who’s going to be “sick,” start the “there’s a nasty new bug going around” chatter no later than Mar. 20.
Writing lets us trace language back about 5,000 years, but the spoken words is over a million years old. Psychology, biology ...
In the Arabic dictionary, the verb “yumana’” or “tamana’” derives from “mana’”, with its noun form being “mumana’a”, meaning “resistance” or “opposition.” The dictionary defines “mumana’a” as a form ...