SBS acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of Country and their connections and continuous care for the skies, lands and waterways throughout Australia.
SBS acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of Country and their connections and continuous care for the skies, lands and waterways throughout Australia.
回顾历史数据,五年前中国汽车在澳洲的市场份额仅为1.7%,十年前更是不足0.5%。然而,在过去的一年里,中国汽车的市场份额激增近9个百分点。市场分析机构Cox Automotive ...
As a result of the growth in exports to the Chinese mainland, the Northeast Asian region grew by 181 percent in value to 1.18 billion Australian dollars, which was a 46 percent value share, it said, ...
【2 月 5 日讯,海外氧化铝成交状况如下】 1 月 27 日,海外成交氧化铝 3 万吨,成交价格$520/mt FOB Gladstone, Australia 东澳或$525/mt FOB Kendawangan, Indonesia 印尼,3 ...
【2 月 5 日讯,海外氧化铝成交状况】1 月 27 日,海外成交氧化铝 3 万吨,成交价格$520/mt FOB Gladstone,Australia 东澳或$525/mt FOB Kendawangan,Indonesia 印尼,3 月船期。2 ...
Genesis Australia近期宣布,将对旗下572辆电动汽车实施紧急召回措施,涉及车型包括GV60、Electrified GV70及Electrified G80。此次召回源于一个潜在的软件故障 ...
2025年1月23日,正值小年,中华人民共和国驻悉尼总领馆大使衔总领事王愚、参赞张红一行,走访了由G'Day Neighbour(“你好社区”)与澳洲河南同乡会联合举办的春节联欢会,向广大社区成员送上新春祝福,并表达了对华人社区的深切关怀。