Introduction Some engine exhaust components are carcinogenic or have hormone-disrupting properties. Objective To investigate the association between lifetime occupational exposure to various engine ...
Impact of sedentary behaviour reduction on desk-worker workplace satisfaction, productivity, mood and health-related quality of life: a randomised trial ...
Occupational stress is an emerging problem among physician and nurses, and those working in intensive care settings are particularly exposed to the risk of developing burnout. To verify what types of ...
Aims: To examine the association between components of organisational justice (that is, justice of decision making procedures and interpersonal treatment) and health of employees. Methods: The Poisson ...
OBJECTIVES To assess the occurrence and persistence of two restrictively defined neck-shoulder disorders among sewing machine operators. To assess factors associated with the development of ...
OBJECTIVES To review evidence about the joint relation of exposure to asbestos and smoking on the risk of lung cancer to answer three questions: (1) does asbestos increase risk in non-smokers; (2) are ...
OBJECTIVE To examine the quantitative relation between exposure to isocyanates and occupational asthma, and to explore the role of atopy and smoking in occurrence of the disease. METHOD A ...
Falling asleep while driving accounts for a considerable proportion of vehicle accidents under monotonous driving conditions. Many of these accidents are related to work--for example, drivers of ...
Objectives The aim of this study is to determine if parental occupational exposure to 16 agents is associated with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Methods Demographic, health and parental occupational ...
2 Department of Epidemiology, Documentation, and Health Promotion, Public Health Service Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands 3 Department of Environmental Health, Public Health Service Amsterdam, ...