4.22The Committee recommends the Australian Government investigate the potential benefits of a tax offset for the live music industry. The Treasury, the Office of the Arts and Creative Australia ...
5.12The committee recommends the Australian Government convene National Cabinet to address excessive public expenditure by all levels of government that is keeping inflation higher for longer.
The Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Committees cover the following portfolios: Defence (including Veterans' Affairs), Foreign Affairs and Trade.
The National Food Plan should be developed in consultation with state/territory and local governments, along with relevant sectors, stakeholders, and the community.
2.172That the Australian Government introduce new, whole-of-economy, dedicated legislation to regulate high-risk uses of AI, in line with Option 3 presented in the government’s Introducing mandatory ...
Using the Bill Introduced date fields will allow you to search bills by the date they were introduced into Parliament. Clicking the 'Bill Introduced (From)' and 'Bill Introduced (To)' fields displays ...
Although Australian Public Service (APS) entities have been using different types of artificial intelligence (AI) systems for many years, the field is now developing at an unprecedented rate and ...
6.11The committee strongly recommends that the Senate continues to pursue an inquiry into the incarceration of children in Australia given the significant and disturbing evidence received by the ...
4.105The committee recommends that the Treasurer, in consultation with stakeholders and the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC), determines the most appropriate model for a mandatory ...
3.11The Committee recommends that any new or amended regulations arising from changes to the Aviation Transport Security Act 2004 and the Maritime Transport and Offshore Facilities Security Act 2003 ...
The Presiding Officers are pleased to announce that Ms Jaala Hinchcliffe has been appointed as the Secretary of the Department of Parliamentary Services. Ms Hinchcliffe has led the Department as ...
The House of Representatives Standing Committee on Health, Aged Care and Sport has today published an issues paper concerning the health impacts of alcohol and other drugs (AOD) in Australia. After ...