The week started with a sharp and prolonged cryptocurrency crash, leading to heavy losses across the market. Over the past three months, key crypto indices (the Emerging Crypto Index, All Crypto Index ...
Volatility, already high, continues to rise as key benchmarks test major support levels and accumulate high overselling levels in oscillators with daily data. Ethereum has dropped below its 2024 low ...
Greatness isn’t accidental – it’s built on discipline, precision, and perfect timing. Whether on the slopes or in the markets, the best performers make split-second decisions that set them apart. That ...
Hover Cars and Androids by 2026? XPeng [XPEV] shares rose 7.1% after its chairman announced plans to mass-produce flying cars and industrial robots by next year. The stock has nearly doubled in 2024, ...
eBay [EBAY] has enjoyed an impressive rally in the past 18 months, rising 90.36% between October 27, 2023 and March 7, 2025. Notable dips have occurred along the way. Among them was an 8.19% drop ...
Die kommenden Tage versprechen politische Brisanz, die weitreichende Folgen für die Finanzmärkte haben könnte - vor allem für die zuletzt stark gelaufenen deutschen und europäischen Aktien.
Amazon har säkrat en diamant som kan vara för evigt. Nu skrivs reglerna om. För ett par veckor sedan kom en nyhet som sände chockvågor i vissa kretsar och möttes med en axelryckning i andra: Amazon ...
Nuevo comienzo de semana con desplome en el mundo de las criptomonedas. El castigo es duro y generalizado. A la vez, se ha extendido en el tiempo y provoca que, en plazos de tres meses, el castigo ...